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My story with body building
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I was (15) years of age when I have seen a movie (Hercules), Steve Reeves as an actor played the leading role.
Reeves outstanding muscular physique highly impressed me. I then learned that Steve Reeves won the title of Mr. Universe in 1950 in the NABBA championship contest in London.
Ever since that moment body building captured my attention and with determination and devotion I started my journey with the fantastic sport of body building.
At the outset of my training, I lacked proper body building devices, so I resorted to rudimentary weight bars and dumbbells.
During that period I read with great interest the content of a body building magazine (Sports Stars) issued in Lebanon by Maleeh Elewan, who himself a body building and champion of the middle east in 1953.
Later on, I visited Elewan in Lebanon, who welcomed me with cordiality and warm feelings which I cherish till this day. Mr. Elewan's care, guidance and directives showed and furnished me with the skills and techniques of body building which in turn paved the way for me to compete in international contests.
The year 1969 formed a turning point in my new career as a body builder, when I won the title of Mr. Jordan for the first time and during the same year was my first participation in an international contest, the NABBA – Mr. Universe in London. In that occasion I met Mr. Universe Arnold Schwarzenegger who attended my display in the same contest and encouraged me and asked me as well to uphold firmly the body building sport.I pay great respect and admiration to both athletes, Reeves and Schwarzenegger and consider them second to none.
In Jordan I won the title of body building championship for four years, 1969, 1971, 1972, and 1973. In Lebanon I participated in the (Middle East) championship contest in 1974.
In NABBA - Mr. Universe contests in London, I got fourth place in 1975, third place in 1976 and fifth place in 1977. Furthermore I participated in NABBA contests in 1979 and 1980.